Paid by applicants one-time at the time of submitting documents to KBTU

Paid by applicants one-time at the time of submitting documents to KBTU
Welcome to the Kazakh-British Technical University!
We are glad that you have decided to enroll at our university and take an important step towards your future education and career. Understanding the importance of each stage of admission, we strive to make it as comfortable and transparent as possible.

One of the components of this process is the entrance fee. It is paid one time when submitting documents to the KBTU Admissions Office. It is aimed at improving the service to applicants, as well as ensuring the effective functioning of technical support for electronic queuing and booking systems.

The fee is non-refundable.

Preferential categories (orphans and children without parental care under 23 years of age/children with disabilities and persons with disabilities) are exempt from paying the Entry fee.
How to pay the entrance fee?
We have made the payment process as simple and convenient as possible. You can pay the entry fee using a QR code. This payment method allows you to quickly and securely make a payment without leaving your home:

  1. Scan the QR code with your phone camera.
  2. Fill in all the fields:
  • Faculty - KBTU School you are applying to
  • Course - 1
  • Full name of the student - Full name of the applicant
  • IIN of the student - IIN of the applicant
3. Select Payment purpose - Entrance fee.
4. Amount - 10,000 tenge.
5. Click “For payment”, and then “Pay”.
6. Save and print the received receipt.

We have made the payment process as simple and convenient as possible. You can pay the entry fee using a QR code. This payment method allows you to quickly and securely make a payment without leaving your home:

  1. Scan the QR code with your phone camera.
  2. Fill in all the fields:
  • Faculty - KBTU School you are applying to
  • Course - 1
  • Full name of the student - Full name of the applicant
  • IIN of the student - IIN of the applicant
3. Select Payment purpose - Entrance fee.
4. Amount - 10,000 tenge.
5. Click “For payment”, and then “Pay”.
6. Save and print the received receipt.
What to do after payment?

Print out the check and bring it along with the package of other documents to the KBTU Admissions Office.
Our goal is to create for you the best conditions for admission and study.

We believe that every applicant deserves the best possible support and are committed to making the admissions process transparent and fair.

We wish you success on your educational journey! We look forward to welcoming you to our university and hope that you will become part of our large and friendly student family.
Address: 59 Tole bi st., Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 727 357 42 42
Email: s.pak@kbtu.kz , a.biyekenova@kbtu.kz
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